Last updated: 9/7/2006
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Wolfenstein 3D - Macintosh version

Here you will find the scenarios that i have made for the game Wolfentein 3D for macintosh.

I have been a very big fan of that game in the 90's and i have made several scenarios. Many of them have been in the cd-rom coming with the serious french magazine SVM MAC in 1996. I know that they are good enough for everyone to enjoy, so even if the game is quite old, there's still many fans out there that want scenarios to play with. So, here they are!

Important notes:

- The scenarios won't work on a pc.

- Because of some tricks used in my scenarios, you cannot use them in the Third Encounter version. Be warned, they will not work properly, because in that version the Bosses can't open locked doors. So, because they can't, you will never get the gold key to go further in the game.

My Wolfenstein 3D - Scenarios
Simon's Pak - Second encounter scenarios
Title Number of floor
Solucenstein 3
Tornado of blood 4
Another massacre 3
Mission destroy 9
The wrong way 1
Haveaniceday 6
Simon's Pak [282 Ko] Download now
Simon's oldies - First encounter scenarios
Title Number of floor
Are you alone!?4
Find your path3
Get ready!3
Kick'em down!5
Labirynthe of death4
Nazi trap5
Sim Extreme world3
Sim King World4
Simon's mind4
Welcome to Hell4
Why me!!!4
Be intelligent!7
Simon's oldies  [345 Ko] Download now

How to play first encounter's scenarios with the Wolfenstein 3D first encounter application (shareware or full version):

1) Open Resedit

2) Open a first encounter scenario file with ResEdit. (ex: Simon's mind

3) You can see a ressource called BRGR, just double click on it to open a window. In this window you can see differents things to select. In the edit menu, choose "select all" or use command-A to select all IDs. Once done, copy them all using command-C or choose "copy" in the edit menu. You can now close everything you have opened.

4) Again, using Resedit, open the Wolfenstein 3D application. ( Do this on a duplicated application to not lose the real scenario )

5) Find the BRGR ressource and double click on it to open the window. Now choose "paste" in the edit menu or use " Replace ressources with the same ID ?" Click on the "Yes" button. Be sure to paste over the existing ID otherwise the levels will not be correctly playable.

* If you have click on "Unique ID" or "No" buttons instead of clicking on the "Yes" button, you must redo the step 1 to 7 with a new Wolfenstein 3D First encounter application.

6) Save the changes and close ResEdit.

7) You can now play the scenarios by opening the application. Good game!

[ Each time you want to play a new scenario you MUST do the steps 1 to 7 with ResEdit with a NEW Wolfenstein 3D First encounter application otherwise the previous scenarios pasted in the ressources will be mixed with the new one ]

Wolfenstein 3D cheats:

ledoux --> God mode, all guns, ammo and keys

iddqd --> God mode

seger --> Get all keys

burger --> all guns and ammo

groan --> Level selection

appleiigs --> secret doors appear on the map

wowser --> Full bullet capacity

mccall --> Move up one level

xuscnielppa --> No damage and refills ammo

Wolfenstein 3D related downloads:
Stuffit expanderYou need that to unstuff my scenarios packages.
ResEdit 2.1.3This is a macintosh ressources editor.
Wolfedit 2.0.4The Wolfenstein 3D levels editor. Get it if you want to make your own scenarios.